The Things Stack Gateway Monitoring


In previous posts we showed how the status of TheThingsNetwork gatways can be monitored. With the switch of the underlying infrastructure to TheThingsStack this becomes even easier, because the API allows direct access to the relevant statistics of the gateways. It is now also possible to authenticate with a (personal) API key, such that the login procedure becomes also easier to handle.


The first step is to create an API key with the appropriate permissions. This can be done in the console of TheThingsNetwork, by clicking on your username in the upper right corner and selecting the option Personal API Keys. You have to create a token with at least the permissions view gateway status and list gateways the user is a collaborator of.

Prometheus TTN Gateway Exporter

The changes of the prometheus exporter are minimal, because the authentication becomes easier with the API key. The main changes are the different API calls compared to the previous version. Besides that the things mentioned in the previous article are still applicable. The code on Github is already updated.

import signal
import sys
import threading

import requests
from absl import app
from absl import flags
from absl import logging
from cachetools import cached, TTLCache
from prometheus_client import start_wsgi_server, Gauge

flags.DEFINE_string('listen', ':9714', 'Address:port to listen on')
flags.DEFINE_string('key', None, 'API key')
flags.DEFINE_string('password', None, 'Password to authenticate with')
flags.DEFINE_bool('verbose', False, 'Enable verbose logging')

exit_app = threading.Event()

TOKEN = None

cache = TTLCache(maxsize=200, ttl=10)

def get_gateway_stats(gateway_id):
    session = requests.Session()
    header = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + FLAGS.key}
    res = session.get('' % gateway_id, headers=header)
    return res.json()

def get_gateway_ids():
    session = requests.Session()
    header = {'Authorization': 'Bearer ' + FLAGS.key}
    res = session.get('', headers=header)
    return [gateway['ids']['gateway_id'] for gateway in res.json()['gateways']]

def collect_metrics(gateway_id, metric) -> int:
    gateway_stats = get_gateway_stats(gateway_id)
    if metric in gateway_stats:
        return int(gateway_stats[metric])
    return 0

def prepare_metrics():
    logging.debug('prepare metrics')
    for metric in ['uplink_count', 'downlink_count']:
        gauge = Gauge('ttn_gateway_messages_%s' % metric, 'Number of %s messages' % metric, labelnames=['gateway_id'])
        for gateway_id in get_gateway_ids():
            gauge.labels(gateway_id=gateway_id).set_function(lambda i=gateway_id, m=metric: collect_metrics(i, m))

def quit_app(unused_signo, unused_frame):

def main(unused_argv):
    if FLAGS.verbose:
    if FLAGS.key is None:
        logging.error('Provide API key!')


    address, port = FLAGS.listen.rsplit(':', 1)
    start_wsgi_server(port=int(port), addr=address)'Listening on {FLAGS.listen}')
    for sig in (signal.SIGTERM, signal.SIGINT, signal.SIGHUP):
        signal.signal(sig, quit_app)

if __name__ == '__main__':

To execute the exporter you need to pass the API key from the previous step by executing python --key API_KEY.

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